Financial support to start-ups and scale-ups
Coordinators EIT Urban Mobility
- Toutes filières
Applicants must propose their own challenge or choose one of the ‘ready-made’ challenges pre-defined by the consortium on: 1) Batteries design and integration into vehicles, 2) Hydrogen, 3) Energy storage infrastructure and transport, 4) Life cycle assessment.
Low-risk Innovation Projects:
Projects that reach the development until TRL 6-7 of more digital or greener innovative products or services, in the electromobility sectors.
The project should be included in at least one of the following categories of activities:
High-risk Innovation Projects:
Projects that reach the development until TRL 4-5 of more digital or greener innovative products or services in the electromobility sectors.
The project should be included in at least one of the following categories of activities:
More detailed information in the Guide for applicants (Section 3.2.1.)
The lump sum is aimed at covering the following costs incurred by beneficiaries:
– Be a SME according to the European Definition regulated in the Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC :
– Be established in the E-BOOST territorial scope described as follows:
– Be actively involved and contribute to the electromobility sector (the following transport sectors will be prioritized: Automotive, Heavy-duty vehicles -trucks, buses, coaches, etc.-, waterway transport, aerial guided transport, railway, active mobility, logistic).
– Not be “in difficulty” as defined at 2.1 of the Community Guidelines and State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty (2044/C22/02).
To submit a proposal
For any enquiries regarding the Innovation Support Services – electromobility sectors, please contact
For more information about the E-BOOST Open Calls, see E-BOOST website or ECCP profile.
Coordinators EIT Urban Mobility
Coordinators European comission
Coordinators KDT-JU (Horizon Europe)